Hello, can any of you advise me of a remedy to get rid of excess water weight? I know all the usual ones: drink lots of water, use lemon wedges in your water, avoid salt and sodium. I woke up this morning and have GAINED weight--2 pounds acutally-- from yesterday. My rings are so tight on my finger I can't get them off, My…
I see a lot of posts on here that I suspect--and I am a highly trained investigator-- are people fishing for compliments. I also see a bunch of profile photos that I suspect may be fake. Seriously, what's up with all that? The topics of "give me a compliment", "would you date the person above you" , "my best feature", "hot…
Hi everyone. I have been on and off "diets" for the past 21 years when my son was born. Never really had a weight problem before that. Now, I'm probably 50 pounds overweight and the biggest I've ever been. I have this new idea that I'm wondeirng what you think about it...not that you will change my mind but want to know…