I'm having a hard time hitting my 1200 cal limit. I'm always left with a large amont of calorie intake (500-900 depending on the day). I have a very small appetite and I eat pretty healthy foods and exercize. Any tips or suggestions on helping me reach my calorie intake goal that won't make me gain weight?
I've been doing a lot of thinking and I want to go vegetarian again. Eating meat makes me feel really sluggish and it always makes me sick to were I throw up. Any tips/suggestions/recipes that can help me go veg and maintain a 1200 cal diet? I've gone veg before but gained a loooot of weight because I ate a lot of junk…
I've been thinking about getting back into Jiu Jitsu but I would like to get to my goal weight and get in shape for it. I used to train a lot with my dad because he teaches it but stopped because of my weight issues. Any tips on getting in shape for the wonderful world of Jiu Jitsu?
I don't know if its because I've been sick the past couple days or what but my motivation is circling down the drain. I want to lose about 30 pounds but its difficult. I have a VERY small appetite so i don't eat very much through out the day. At this point, I feel like I have no motivation or a good support team to kick my…
Ive been having a lot of issues with my sleep habits lately. I either can't sleep at all during the night and if I do manage to get some sleep, I keep waking up every hour-two hours. So my question is, will my sleeping habits affect my weight loss? Any tips on how I can solve this issue?
Hi everyone. I'm new here. I don't know anyone on this sight and I'm not familiar with it at all. I had heard about it on another site and had seen nothing but positive feed back and decided to join. Seeing as I don't know any one here I figured I'd introduce myself in hopes of meeting new people. On to introduction! I'm…