Bingo Wings and Bum Cheeks!
Hey... can anyone recommend a workout to tone the Glutes that doesn't involve squats or lunges? I have bad knees so need to avoid them. I also want to tone my upper arms, specifically the 'bingo wing' area. TIA :)
Hey, has anyone got any idea of how many calories you burn trampolining? I've just spent an hour at a trampoline park with my kids. Best I can find online is 8 calories per minute. Does this sound close, to much, not enough? :/
Bubble wrap knee!
Hi I've got an awful noise coming from my knee when I do squats or lunges etc... It sounds like popping bubble wrap or rice krispies lol I have a malrotation of my femur which has put my knees out of place. I've had a few ops to try and correct this but my quad strength is rubbish (they cut through them) and this is needed…
Weight Counter won't change
Hi, can anyone help me please? I have lost weight (woohoo) and changed my weight in the weigh in section but it hasn't changed. Any ideas please? Thanks :)