Hey everyone! Sorry for the absence from the message board for a while! It looks like some great things have been going on since I’ve been gone. I just wanted to give everyone the heads up; I found a great ultimate Frisbee pick-up league. They play every Thursday at 6pm and Saturday at 11am at Koenig Park in Edgewood.…
My husband and I are relatively new to the area and are trying to take our kayaks out soon. Any good spots we definitely shouldn't miss?
http://goape.com/ Suggested by tallieterp, I think this would be a great first activity for people to participate in! If we could get a group of 10 people, they offer discounts. I'm suggesting Saturday June 1st but feel free to suggest other dates as well! I could definitely get at least three people, possibly four. Would…
Would anyone want to play a game Saturday morning? Are there usable fields anywhere in the area?
Introduce yourself! Give your name, a goal you've set for yourself this month/year/lifetime, what area you're from, and any activities you would like to be part of! I'm Laurel. I plan to lose 10lbs this month. I live in Castle Shannon. I would like to do a city wide scavenger hunt!