YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD TO SUCCEED!!! ☺ I thought I tell a little bit about myself and where I am at as most of you only see me as the idiot who has far to big of a energy burns to be good for you. ☺ So how did I get there: Originally from Holland, I set out after my studies and military conscription to travel our amazing…
Beer belly, Beer gut everything is done to make beer look bad. Sure if you drink to much you get drunk and many nowadays are bad drunks. However lets look at it as nutrion and calories. One beer of 375ml is about 130-140 calories This is the same as fat free or HiLo milk 375ml of full cream milk is actually 230 calories.…
I like MFP, but one thing I struggle with is portions. Everything you look up have different portion sizes, eg Ounce, Cup etc. Would it not be a lot easier if you work by weight. Any suggestions on how counting can be nmade easier?
I am trying to go on a journey of weightloss, have started many times before but always seem to have fallen by the wayside. However at 57 I have to be serious as I am now borderline diabetic and don't want to go on any pills or medication. Also had major surgery this year but all seems well. I started just before Xmas and…