Taking my run to the next lever-longer, or faster?
I have been doing the same run in the early morning for the past couple of months. I am looking to take it up a notch, wondering if anyone had any advice, regarding increasing speed, or maintaing the same speed, but increasing distance and time running. I guess,they really are the same thing because if I were to focus on…
Excersizing in cold weather advice needed?
I recently switched my excersize time to early AM, and while it hasn't been too cold yet in the mornings, it has been quite a bit nippy. Was wondering what people do in the morning to keep off that chill? do you layer up? and just carry layers on you? do you just get through those couple cold minutes until your body warms…
Do you eat before you work out- for early am workouts
Let me preface this by saying I am NOT a morning person, but I have realized that the mornings are the best time, for me to be working out (walking, jogging etc), but I barely pull myself out of bed, to get going, I start off slow, and once I get into it, I feel good, but I feel underfueled. I stop eating in the eveings…
streaming music for working out?
I am bored of my downloaded workout music. I usually use traimix pro, which syncs up my beats to my pace, but I am bored of all my fast music. I am looking for another app, that includes streaming music, or a station on iheartmix, or pandora. or any other good suggestions for good workout music, that isn't repetitive.…
working your butt off-how do you do it?
My primary excersize is running/walking etc. I have seen huge improvement in my legs, and thighs, but my butt, has always been my biggest (ASSet) issue. What specific excersizes do you do to target that area? I prefer stuff I can do on my own, with out having to join a gym........ thanks.
how much fiber do you get?
Trying to track my fiber, and never getting any where near the pre set goal, wondering if the preset is totally off base, or this is something to really try and meet. What are really fiber rich foods, I already eat salads/ or veggies as the main part for most of my meals, and snack on fruits, or nuts throughout the day.…
Food scale recommendation
Any recommendations on a food scale? is a fancy digital one any more accurate than a regular old fashioned kind?
how to determine most accurate calories burned?
What is the most accurate way to calculate calories burned during a work out? While I sometimes enjoy the calorie counts that MFP gives me based on description. I am not always sure if they are so accurate? Would a heart rate monitor or some other device provide a more accurate number?
What are your typcial sugar macros?
I know that from reading previous posts, that most people feel like the default sugar goal is too low. I am going over the sugar goal, just by having too much fruit for breakfast. So just wanting to find out, what is a more typical sugar goal to reach. Is there a difference, like I am hoping, from natrual sugar in fruits,…