Doubling protein protects agains muscle loss, aids synthesis
Results of a randomized controlled trial published in the Sept issue of the "Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology" confirm some of the bro-science surrounding protein requirements. - They basically had groups of volunteers consuming protein at RDA levels, 2 x RDA, and 3 x RDA. (RDA = 0.8…
For the love of running
I just came across this, written by one of my favorite runners, Shalane Flanagan. I thought it might prompt others to post what keeps them coming back for more. 13 Things I Love About Running For Shalane Flanagan, the list could go on and on. A few weeks ago I wrote about the things about running that drive me crazy, so it…
Handstand bench presses anyone?
These guys are crazy, but in a good way. http://www.flotrack.org/coverage/240120-Run-Junkie/video/701003-Mind-blowing-Weight-Room-Antics
Starting position
Rookie question. I'm just getting back into running after a long, long lay-off. I'm targeting a couple of races "down the road" and want to run times that reflect my level of fitness. So I was wondering, races have gotten so well attended over the years how do you seek out a starting position that keeps you from being held…
Best opening lines of a book.
Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. "Anna Karenina", Leo Tolstoy
Weight training calorie burn
I'm a newby, and I was a little disappointed in the lack of weight training exercises in the database. Also that there doesn't appear to be the ability to assign calorie burn to weight training exercises when you manually enter them. What's up with that?! I've been doing high intensity weight training for a couple of years…
I know this will work...
...because I've done it before. I used a very early version of a program like this way back at the dawn of the home computer age. By comparison to MFP it was not very user friendly, but you know what? - it worked! In fact, it worked so well and I lost so much weight that my wife thought I was having an affair! Ha, ha! Over…