Anyone else doing keto? I'm just starting it. I'm over 50, and I want to lose 75 pounds. Looking for some diet buddies. Thought we could support one another, and maybe commiserate when we're having a bad day.
do you make yourself eat
If you're not hungry, just to improve your calorie count? I. Really don't feel like eating, not hungry at all, but I haven't eaten anything today. So am I supposed to force myself to eat something?
need recipe for pickles please
I have some cucumbers I need to do something with. Any pickle recipes or relish recipes out there?
training for a marathon, any suggestions?
I'm training for my first marathon, planning to do it in four years. I'm not in the best of shape, and I'll be 55 when I run it. Does anyone have any good advice? Will weight training help? Or should I just concentrate on the running? What about adding biking and swimming?
looking for vegan friends
I'm new to the vegan lifestyle, I'd like to have a few friends as well as support and more info, recipes, and where to purchase vegan foods. Thanks.
how do you handle....
Jealousy? I see how far others have come and I want the same thing, but I want it now! I look in the mirror and think "Oh tubby, you have got such a long way to go! " Sometimes I just want to cry!
best running shoes
That don't cost the earth? I'm running my first mile race in March, followed two weeks later by a five k. I really need a new pair of shoes, but don't have a lot of cash. What's the best shoe for the money?
Anybody have someone in their life who is a hater? You know the type, the ones that say you can't do that, if you reach goal weight you'll be sickly, too thin, etc. If you work out you'll be all bulky, muscle bound, etc. You won't make it anyway, may as well give up, quit now, etc. Don't it just pi$$ you off?
cheat days
Pro or con?
What is your opinion on an occasional "fast " day. Say one day a month when a person takes no food or drink (except water and any necessary meds. )
lactose intolerance
I can't eat dairy, except for hard cheeses and yogurt. Is there anything I can substitute for dairy?
Anyone got some good, low cal, eggplant recipes? I can grow them, but I don't know how to cook them
Girl Scout Cookies
Are the DEBIL!!!!!!!!!!
the honey moon is over
What are some ways I can keep myself motivated? I keep feeling like it's taking soooooooo long to get where I want to be, that why bother? I have seen some improvement on the scale, but it just doesn't seem like enough. Any help would be appreciated. :indifferent:
I'd like to post my times when I do my work out videos
I really want to post my times when I do my work out videos, but I don't know how to list them. I'm not sure how many calories I might be burning. Any suggestions?
Hi, I'm new here
I came to this site because of my AWESOME cousin, who is looking so sexy! If she can do it, why can't I? So I'm doing this for me. I'm tired of being fat and flabby with no energy. I may need some encouragement now and again though.