I lost my mother on 12-20-2013 i have ate 880 calories since than, I know I need to eat and I have 1 time a day, but the thought of eating a "whole" meal makes me sick to my stomach. I know I have to stay strong for my dad and son, but I dont want to eat.
I know it is only been since August 19th but I walk 2.5- 3.3 speed 1- 3 miles daily (avg 1 1/2). I dont eat before morning work out and eat before evening work out- I do not consume more than 1000 calories and sometimes my average is less than 800. I truly do not think I am starving myself I am just not hungry - I snack on…
I started a diet plan Jan 2013 and lost 22 lbs by June- (but screwed up I used protein bars because it was quick and easy to track calories but i didnt know high in sugar, now my DR thinks I am a dietetic) I am trying to prove her wrong..... As of Monday August 19 I added in walking on the treadmill- I lost 2 additional…