Juicing >> Any Tips??
I just watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead & was really inspired so I bought a juicer & started today. I am already missing eating some real food, plus, I'm experiencing muscle pain (I feel like i need to stretch or have a good massage) & I'm usually not in pain. Any tips??
Hey... Any takers?
Been on Since Jan 2nd & loving MFP! I have couple of friends on here but would like to have a bigger support group! Any takers??
Stomach cramps while doing sit ups.. HELP!!
I am completely out of shape & really need to work on this gut, but everytime I try to do sit ups, I get the most painful charlie horse in my stomach that moves around on the right side & last for about 2-5 mins. What is that about & what can I do to fix it???
Eating Beans on Low Carb Diet/ Subtract Dietary Fiber
:smile: I have to eat low carb because I just found out that I'm pre-diabetic.. had to change my eating habits fast. I always thought that beans were low carb & high in protein. So I made a big pot of pinto beans & when I scanned the bar code for my daily entry the carbs were 90g for just 2 cups.. When counting carbs do we…