Start Over If you have started out in pursuit of your goal And you have really tried with your heart and your soul, But somehow things got out of control START OVER. When you have tried your best to do what you should And you thought this time that you surely would, But once again, you did not do good START OVER. When you…
Giving thanks on my Valentine Birthday
So some time after midnight last night, I was doing a little scan of my MFP friends' posts to make sure I had commented on everyone's day. I switched over to my profile to change my picture, when I noticed my age had been changed. I thought 'geez, already?' Yep no longer the double nickel-I am officially on the other side…
I have always kept a journal of some kind since high school. At my both my daughter's insistance, I started a blog in Dec .(http//pennichilton.wordpress.com) I'm just now getting use to navigating it and getting topics and stories organized. Last night I was looking through an old journal to find an idea or story I could…
When you've eaten too much and you can't write it down, And you feel like the biggest failure in town. When you want to give up just because you gave in, and forget all about being healthy and thin. So What! You went over your points a bit, It's your next move that counts...So don't you quit! It's a moment of truth, it's…
I've noticed a few of my MFP friends seem to be getting discouraged lately...My Mom gave me this poem on a plaque many years ago when I was going through some tough times. I ran across it yesterday when I was cleaning out a closet. I've since placed it on my bathroom mirror ,next to the scales, so I can read it each…
Reminder to Myself
"Everything you do is based on choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather!, an argument, or your age to blame. You and only you are responsible for every choice and decision you make." PERIOD! So, I have to remind myself that I can no longer fault taking care of my…
Any Night Owls?
I do fine during the day, but I never sleep and my worse time to snack is in the middle of the night,......Hope some of you supporters are awake around 2 am when I want to make a big bowl of the granddaughters sugary cereal!
REALLY? Are you kidding me?
I lost my job over 2 years ago and the first thing I did was go home, pull on a pair of old sweats, turn on the tv and sit on the couch. I haven't done much since. I knew I was gaining weight because I was eating things that had not been a part of my normal diet for years...This morning 3 things happened that just might…
Out of the mouths of babes!
Thank you all for the words of encouragement on this first day of my journey. My run to the consignment shop was a success, but I did keep one pair of old sweats for exercise, as advised by many of you wonderful people. I also went to the grocery store and bypassed all the junk food isles, including the bakery! Fresh fruit…