OK. So I had an incredible workout tonight. I ran 4 miles non-stop then did my ab work. I was feeling proud and tired. THEN..... I made the mistake of looking in the mirror while I was stretching out afterwards. All I could see was how fat I am. (I don't normally have body image issues. As a matter of fact, I was the…
I set a goal to do a 3 mile run this week averaging 12 minute miles. Well......tonight I did even better!!!!!!!!! I finished my 3 miles in 35 minutes for an average of 11.666 minutes per mile!! It was just such a psychological hurdle for me to overcome that 12 minute mile time. Now that I know I can do it, I'm looking…
Just to get this out of the way -- running a marathon isn't something I'm just jumping into. I've wanted to do one for a few years but never had the nerve. I'm working on strength and endurance with a trainer. I've researched training programs and local running groups. I've also run a few 5ks and have more scheduled. Just…
Today I ran the Champions Mud Bash in Kissimmee, FL. It's a course just over 3 miles with various obstacles along the way. I did it!! My goal was 40 minutes and I came in a few over, but I finished and I ran most of the course :happy: I could kick myself though, I forgot to take allergy medicine and a few minutes into the…
I'm gonna be running the Warrior Dash Sunday in Georgia. :happy: Just curious if anyone else is gonna be there?
My son and I are running a 5k obstacle course on Sunday morning. I'm wondering if I should take 1 or 2 days off before the race. Normally on Friday I do cardio but I'm not sure if I should skip it this week and maybe just do some strength training? Or maybe some swimming so my legs aren't tired? Any advice?????????????…