I'm kind of a shy guy, so I would never post this publicly to people I know, but I feel like I have kind of have an anonymity here. I want to share my success story with others for those who just need that extra push of motivation. Before: ~200lbs 5'4" After: ~140lbs Yeah I'm kinda short, can't really change my Asian…
Hey Myfitnesspal-ers! So I joined this community (Jan 2011) to reach an ultimate goal that seemed to always be out of my reach. I made a success story #1 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/159588-before-after-pics-trying-to-reach-my-ultimate-goal-in-fitne ..back in January. With the support of members' posts in that…
What I've noticed is that when I'm at the gym or hear girls talk about working out, its always cardio. Rarely do I see girls hit weights very much. Here's a link for top 10 reasons why you should be lifting weights http://www.strength-training-woman.com/benefits-of-strength-training-for-women.html Adding to that article,…