

  • I'm not sure about the after 40 part, but this is the advice I tell people and will continue to do so. Spot treating doesn't work. If you want to lose fat in your pelvic area then you have to have a "total" body fat loss. You cannot tell your body where to lose fat. Also notice that I use the term fat loss instead of…
  • Lol, yeah its real. I made my first blog post about it. Not to hijack the thread, but you can see more pics here.
  • Awesome thread. Lots of great before/after pics in here. Here's my contribution. 200lbs 130lbs
  • 2nd week 100pushups 80-20. Still the same. Once I hit 80 I feel like I'm doing pushups in molasses.
  • I use it for drinking as a protein shake. You can use it in cooking, but I don't use it that way personally. Whey is a byproduct of milk during the processing of cheese.
    in whey Comment by MrX8503 February 2011
  • The OP is eating 1200 calories, thats already eating fewer calories than she is recommended to do. Also weight loss shouldn't be the only goal here.
  • I hope you're not suggesting that exercising isn't important. We need to get out of the mindset that we need to "lose weight". What we need to do is "be healthy". With minimal exercise and large weight loss, you'll have a lot of loose skin. Your body won't be very toned.
  • If you have a strict sleeping schedule, but you still become tired from working out then it could be your diet. Check that you're getting enough nutrients, whether its macro (carbs, fats, proteins) and micro (vitamins). Food is energy, if you're not getting the right foods you're not gonna have energy.
  • Your'e eating 1200 a day? Is this what MFP told you to eat when you entered in your height/weight/etc? Follow what MFP suggested and eat that NET calorie amount. If you can't eat that much, plan your foods out and force yourself to eat it. You're doing more harm than good by not eating. Something to remember is that you…
  • I'm not sure if it goes away completely. I have the willpower to control my portions, but I still have the desire to eat more. You have to remember that our bodies are programmed to eat what is available because it goes back to a time where food was not readily available. Obviously that isn't true now, but the steps you…
  • Nsueflorence slimkitty sundaysurf loriefolk Burtonrah rnroadrunner Metalhead187 CarolHudson11 Tuckersn MsImperfect0 sweetwaterarabian BobbyDaniel Hotlips69 nzboxer golflady10 kendf60 RoyaD sare26 wifemomdvm flipnsexy liz827 JennyJH Cherrieruns slummymummy lg61820 MrsMills712 Reese66 Smessom32 MeghanAM apricot_annie jenneyd…
  • I added +5 to mine, but I've hit yet another wall. I'll keep at it.
  • The only way is fat loss. What also helps is twist abdominal workouts.
  • You do 150 pushups without stopping? If so, thats really impressive. My goal is 100 pushups nonstop.
  • I used to be the same way. Although my body has changed, my inner self is still the shy person. Mentally I'm still the same person for the most part, but my outlook on health and what is normal has definitely changed. I think once you've reached your goal and you're able to maintain that weight, you'll find yourself a new…
  • What has worked for me is a combination of abdominal workouts plus fat loss. The biggest factor in getting a flatter stomach is fat loss. You can do a million crunches and all you would be doing is build muscle under fat. So my best advice is to do cardio, cut calories, and do ab workouts. Make sure you do a wide range of…
  • I'm a firm believer of strength training. Without muscle you're not going to get the kind of definition that makes a body look tight. You can do the elliptical for 30min, but follow up with some weights. Also if you don't strength train and just do cardio, you're telling your body to burn both muscle/fat. So although you…
  • I can see how that would be a hassle, I just do it through my phone. The thing though is that if you want to be successful you HAVE to follow it to the tee. If it says you need to eat a net total of 1200, you have to eat that amount and enter everything in.
  • 1. Hill Running 2. Pure whey isolate protein drink 3. Egg
  • I eat 2 eggs everyday, whole, and I've gone from 200lbs to 140lbs. Don't worry about eating whole eggs unless you're eating a ton of them. An egg has 5 grams of fat, but 3grams is good fats and 2grams is saturated fat. The fear of eggs is unnecessary, what you should be concerned about is what you'll be eating for…
    in eggs? Comment by MrX8503 January 2011
  • What is it that you are trying to do with weight training? Are you trying to gain muscle mass? (Bulking) Or do you want to be leaner? (Cutting) These are two different things and you have to do at two different times. With bulking, you gain weight in muscle, with cutting you lose weight but retain the muscle mass you…
  • If you eat 1200 calories and burn 500, then you need to eat a total of 1700 calories. This may be the cause of your hunger problem. Outside of calories it also depends on "what" you eat. Healthier foods are larger in volume per calorie, thus filling you up more. The healthier you eat, the more you can eat. Another thing…
  • I eat whole eggs, there's a lot of nutrients in the yolk to pass up. What I do is only eat a limit of 2 eggs per day. If I were to eat more, the rest would be egg whites. Protein curbs hunger, but I think fiber is better at it. Try eating a lot of vegetables and beans, you'll get full and those foods are light. The…
  • I don't think there is any real truth to that, or at least it hasn't been proven. I tend to do weights before cardio, but its only because that's what I prefer. I'm less prone to injury that way because I'd probably hurt myself if I'm lifting while out of breath from running earlier. I think the key is to always do…
  • I'm glad you made this thread, there aren't very many guys on here. 1. I don't do anything out of the ordinary, but what I do like using are crossover cables. It gives you a wide range of motion that allows you to create many different kinds of lifts. 2. I love beer and that is kind of my weakness. The rule is beer only…
  • Dang, you look really really good. Congratulations on your success!
  • I dont inderstand why people are so caught up on water weight, it means nothing. You should be more concerned with high blood pressure. If you want to cut down on sodium, the best way is to make your own food. Processed foods are packed with salt. Also stay away from soups, those are the worst.
  • Water weight means essentially nothing unless you're a wrestler. Water passes in and out of you everyday, fat does not. If you gain fat that is something you should be worried about as that weight is stored.
  • Taking your weight and height into account you have to have a net calorie count of ~1400. Enter your stats into MFP and follow the calorie count it suggests. If you consume close to 2000, you'll just maintain weight.