I'm over 15kg overweight. I found it hard to carry that weight. Would you like to be my friend and help each other? :)
I start again watching carefully my intake. I was 1400 calories for 5 weeks and lost nothing. In the past too. So I hope I'll be ok at 1200 cal. Be my friend if you wish :)
over two weeks ago I started Paleo. My tummy doesn't hurt anymore and my head is less foggy. I have ME/CFS. Xx :D
I am overweight if not obese. I have 20 kgs (40 pounds ish) to lose if possible. Unfortunately with all the diets I have done in my life I know my set point weight is higher. Now I eat what I fancy with my mouth when I am hungry, I savour my food and stop when satisfied (not with stomach). I use breathing techniques when I…