Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos
I just started Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down this Saturday. As you can imagine it is a 60 day program but it uses 4 of her DVDs that can be purchased separately and used individually. So far I am really enjoying the program and was looking for others who: 1) have done or are doing the 60DS or 2) have done or are doing…
Trouble syncing BMF and MFP since switching phones
I just switched from an iphone to an android. I installed apps for both MFP and BMF on my new droid without issue and the BMF app is working fine. However since I made the switch MFP is having problems syncing with my BMF both on the MFP app and the MFP website. It just isn't syncing unless I disconnect the two programs…
Lindsay Brin postnatal workouts
Have any mommies out there tried Lindsay Brin's postnatal workouts (or any of her workouts aside from her pregnancy videos)? If so what were your thoughts? Thanks!
My CLX results
Here are my CLX results with pictures and stats. Sorry I was having issues with sizing the pictures to fit on the message board without distorting the images so you will have to go to my blog to check it out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jennieodwyer/view/my-chalean-extreme-result-with-pictures-512413 If you are…
Leigh Peele's Opt Fat Loss and Fat Loss Trouble Shoot
Has anyone tried Leigh Peele's Fat Loss Trouble Shoot or more specifically her Opt Fat Loss? I am going to be starting it in January and would love to hear some feedback. If you have no idea and are curious about what I am talking about here is where you can find the info: http://www.leighpeele.com/
Free workout videos and fitness blogs
I found bodyrock.tv when looking for free workouts several months ago and really loved the whole concept. Then today I randomly found www.blogilates.com which also has free workouts, recipes etc. I was wondering if there were any other free fitness blogs/workout sites like these (that are updated regularly) that I might be…
Free 90 Day workout program - Befit in 90
Hey guys. I just randomly stumbled across this program and thought I would share it. It is free 90 day program that incorporates weights and cardio. It is youtube based and they post a new workout playlist for everyday. I haven't tried it myself but I might give it a whirl after I am done with my current program since it…
Probiotic Recomendations Please!!
I am looking for a probiotic supplement for regularity and overall digestive health. I have had luck with Phillips Colon Health in the past but I wasn't sure if there were any other kinds out there that people really liked and would recommend. I am looking for a capsule form (not a yogurt or drink etc) and preferably one…
Caloric intake before shows
I don't have any plans on entering a competition but I want to look like I could compete next month for my 30th birthday :tongue: I have been fluctuating between 20-21% BF and I really want to get to 19% or below preferably in the next 5 weeks if not the by the next few months. For the ladies who have been in training for…
30 pounds loss in pictures!!
I finally was able to post pictures on my blog so I wanted to share them. I have lost over 50lbs but that was related to pregnancy weight. The "before" pictures on my blog were from my highest weight before getting pregnant and then my "after" pictures are from now.…
Creating side-by-side photos
I would like to make some side-by-side before and after photos to post. What software do you all use to do that? I don't have photoshop and I looked into picnick (which would have been ideal) but you have to have their premium paid service to layer pics. Some of y'all have great seamless combined pictures :happy: Any…
Sweaty Bands
Has anyone tried Sweaty Bands(sweatybands.com)? Are they any better than a regular soft headband?