Tae Bo anyone?
Anyone here who is an avid Tae Bo user? Tae Bo has always been my favorite workout, not only is it upbeat and fun, but it incinerates some major calories. It'll be fun to chat with some people who share my same love for Tae Bo! Any takers? :)
Losing energy
I recently experimented with working out at different times of the day. I usually start my workout early in the morning, but during the day I tire out. I started working out in the afternoon and I'm completely energized. However, morning workouts are more convenient. Any tips how to stay energized??
A little more can't hurt right?
Hey guys, I just started to really follow through with eating healthy and exercising this week. My little group of MFP buds on here have been great with supporting me and I love supporting them in return! I'm just looking for some more supporting friends on here because a little more can't hurt and the more ecouragement we…
Anyone into vitamins?
I'm taking the standard One a day Mutivitamin. I'm not really sure what else to take or if I should take more vitamins. I'm not really educated in the Vitamin department. Anyone taking different kind of Vitamins?
People who talk smack about being fit!?!?!?
So, I was exercising today to my Jillian Michaels Kickbox DVD. I told one of my family members how happy I was that I did a 40 minute workout, she then proceeded to tell me that Jillian Michaels annoys her because she's so fit and that she'd never do her workouts because of her annoyance and blah, blah, blah. I was stunned…
Define a Curvy Woman PLEASE!
Okay, I hear women all the time say that they're not overweight but "got curves." Some women who say this are so unhealthy. So, I thought to myself if women seem to think that being overweight is actually them being curvy what do guys think about a curvy woman? As in what do guys consider to be curves. I happen to think…
You Can Do It!
I got up this morning and killed my workout even though I didn't really want to exercise. I PUSHED myself and I realized we all struggle with eating healthy and exercising, but you have to push through all the obstacles. Don't think about it, just do it. We all can reach our goal and it'll take time, but at least we're…
Burned Out.
I don't know what it is, but some days I just DO NOT have the motivation to work out or eat right. I notice that those days are outnumbering the days I actually want to eat right and exercise. It's like I'm in a constant battle! Anyone know how to stay motivated? I don't want to lose the fight to lose weight, but at the…
Could Use encouragement!
Hey guys, I'm really trying to use MyFitnessPal more often. However, I have no friends on here (sounds pretty sad! haha). I've read that many people love using this site because it encourages everyone to stick to getting to their goal. I would very much appreciate the motivation and getting to know people who are in my…