Steam Rooms?
Soo I was casually talking to someone at the gym, and she was telling me how going to the steam room 10 mins after you work out really helps you. She said she does 10-15 mins of steam room then 10 mins of the sauna. So I decided to try it out. The first time.. I didnt make it past 2 minutes, i just couldnt breathe. Now a…
Self Control and Eating Out..
Okay, I want to know how you all think because I have issues. I have to stay away from any fast food or resturants period. Here's my logic, if i go out to eat why would I get a salad? I can save my own 10-15 bucks and make a salad at home. If I go to any sit down or fast food joint I want to get something good. Hince why i…
Cheat Days?
Okay, so ive posted several times how this is all new to me. I was a fast food junkie and a true junk food snacker..yada yada yada. Now ive read that a lot of you all have cheat days? What exactly does that mean. Im starting to get bored with my mundane eating, although I have lost 11 pounds in 2 wks (YAY) I'm in a way…
STILLLL... Hungry alll the time..
Hello again my fellow MFP friends. Same problem..different day. Hunger, I feel hungry ALL the time. Here is a sample of what I have eaten today. Brkfast- ½ cup oatmeal + 1 cup strawberries+ protein shake Snack 14 Almonds, Protein shake, 6 apple slices and 1 table spoon peanut butter Lunch: Lean Cuisine Steak tips and 2.5…
Diet Pills? Fat Burners? Detoxers?
I have always been skeptical of any of that such. Even Protein shakes. However I had to just educate myself of the latter. I was working out the other day and go to talking to a fitness expert that told me that i should try Phenphedrine. Once again, I have ALWAYS thought that this was a cop out. Im sorry if I offend…
Reality Check
Is food really the enemy or was I the enemy? Looking back, it’s hard for me to figure out how I got to the size that I am. Then I begin to see all the money I have thrown away going out to eat. I remember growing up we never went out to eat, times were tough back then, and so going out to eat once a month was a true…
Best Ab Workouts?
I HAVE TRIED NUMEROUS Ab techniques, but cant seem to find out what works the best. What give me the full affect of nice toned abs. Now I still have a long way until I get a 6 pack. Im working with a Keg right now LOL But any tips are always appreciated! Thanks! -Audrey
Eating Habits? (How to eat Healthy)
I am curious to see how you all are eating? As in, I cannot for the life of me figure out whats good for me to eat to one fill me up, but not have so much sugar and carbs and all the stuff I should not have. So, I am looking for tips. Heres what I had today so far. I feel like im starving right now! I work a 11a-9pm Shift…
Diabetic and Looking for tips for weight loss
Hello! I'm new to these forums and need some guidance. About a year a go I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.. I guess you can say I really wasn't too serious about any of it. Not about loosing weight nor about being diabetic. I woke up one day and decided I wanted to take control of my life. Working out has never been a…