Is Truvia the same as stevia? Is Splenda better or worse than the above since its an artificial sweetener?
What kind of mental motivators do you keep playing in your head to keep you on track to losing weight? I have never been super overweight but I have also never been a size 3 and probably never will. I've fluctuated weight all my life and gained and lost more times than I care to consider but I also keep myself realistic to…
...or shredding? Just wanted to know what the term means... What does that entail? and who exactly is such a thing for? Is it a competition term for bodybuilding?
OK, maybe not TOOO motivated. I'm not planning to compete in and bodybuilding contests or reality shows so I don't need Jillian Michaels yelling at me. I just want to find normal people who are on this weight loss journey that like me have lost, gained, lost, gained and are back on the path, AGAIN. I need tips on how to…
OK, is it just me or does anyone else forget how to count while doing exercises? Am I so exhausted from reps that I can't even remember how to count to 12? Sometimes I go to 8 and then forget to keep counting and when the dvd guys ask what number I'm on, I think-- "Oh, heck if i know!" Please tell me I'm not the only one…
OK, I am planning to do a 1 week sugar detox (starting after my child's birthday early next week because- I am being realistic!) and I know to cut out processed sugar and anything with sugar (in all its forms) in the ingredients but does that include skim milk? Do most people just avoid milk for the entire detox and just…