British Heart Foundation - London to Southend Trek (UK) 2015
British Heart Foundation - London to Southend Trek (UK) 2015 This is on Saturday 11 - Sunday 12 July 2015. Anyone interested? Can choose a 100 or 50km trek to help raise money for BHF. The walk is through the day and night. :smile:
Upping my beat - a personal challenge
So I had my stats measured this morning - not all good news but my BMI was better than expected. It showed me as overweight instead of obese. Anyways, the instructor said that my really healthy heart could stand up to quite a lot and that I should try working out harder as much as possible. I have that much more of a…
Hmmmmmmmmmm... why am I doing this again?
I turned 40 last September. I've been weight watching for about 3-4 years now and have previously lost 3.5 stone to slim really really well down. I was very lean and looked great. I did it for a purpose back then, but unfortunately some weight (and muscle) went back on. I've now lost nearly a stone this time around since…