Hey all, Just looking for some UK friends! Everyone I have on my FL seems to be American (I love the Americans dw) and it makes diary comparisons really difficult. So yeah, UK girls and guys much welcome! Little info: I'm 22 and a final year undergraduate masters student. I'm tight on cash but I still strive to eat…
Hi, I am working a lot of evenings this week and helpfully we have no microwave at my work. Anyone got cheap, healthy option ideas which aren't noodle boxes?
I've somehow managed to strain my left calf muscle and it is pretty sore when I walk on it. Has anyone got any cardio suggestions for the gym that won't aggrivate it whilst it's repairing? I love my cardio so not doing any would be like death :/
Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to cut carbs down? I'm always over everyday! Most of it seems to come from oats and fruit that I have?