Hunger is a weird thing...
If I eat breakfast I am usually starving by lunch time. If I don't eat breakfast I can go until dinner without being hungry. Anyone have any info as to why this happens?
So I am on day three of no soda and I feel like absolute crap! Headache, tummy ache, my body feels tired and my mind as well. I asked my trainer about it and he told me I'm having what he calls a "sugar crash" and told me to eat something sweet. Did anyone else experience this? How long does it last? Any tips on how to…
Hello!.... Again....
Hi all! I have tried to lose weight and I never stuck with it. I have recently reached out to a good friend of mine who is a personal trainer and he has offered to help me. So this time I will have someone to hold me accountable. I'm hoping that will help my journey. So a little history is in order I suppose so here it is,…
Bone Marrow Donor!
So another reason I want to get in shape is because I would like to Donate bone marrow. I have read that there is a max BMI and I am over it. Has anyone donated bone marrow? Know someone who has? I'm not going to bother asking if it is worth it because I know it is. But could anyone give me a rating on the pain scale? I…
Kingston Ontario!!!
anyone in kingston ontario please add me :)
This might be a silly question but, no matter what I do, I ALWAYS crave sugar at night... Is there anything that could be causing this?
Please add and help me through!
i am 22 years old. Been overweight my whole life and i'm ready to be healthy! I'm 5'4 and 265 lbs. i don't think i can do this alone. If only i could afford a personal trainer for support and motivation! But I can't, so i'm asking for your help! Please add me and come on this journey with me :) xo
I'm 22, 5'4, and 265lbs. I am startig my journey and I need some good beginner exercises. I can't afford classes or a personal trainor. So just things i can do at home. I don't want to just do cardio. Any help will be appreciated! Add me!
Not new, but starting over!
I have been on here before, but never stuck to any diet. Recently my now ex boyfriend broke up with me because he said he can't make me happy. I realize now that i'm not happy with myself so how can i be happy with someone else? I am always in a rut. Stressed and sad. Always feel ill. I need a change in my life! I am…
Sleep help.
having a hard time getting into a healthy sleep routine. A lot of it has to do with loving to sleep in and my body wanting more and more and more sleep. I also have a cery hard time sleeping at night, i lay awake in bed for hours, but once i fall asleep i can stay asleep for a loooong time. I sleep anywhere from 4-12 hours…
Uhm, so ya hi. =)
Hi ! My name is Emily and I'm the wonderful age of 20 :) I have been a member of this site for a few months now. I haven't been logging very much, but I`m ready to start! I Have been overweight my WHOLE life, and I'm tired of it! I want to be healthy!!!! My family has a long history of Heart disease and diabetes and I DO…
protein frozen shake?
There is the nice little nutrition shop right behind my Gym, When I signed up for my membership They gave me a free shake card for the shop. It's pretty much just frozen yogurt with a scoop of flavored protein powder(been getting orange creamcicle! mmmm!) Anyways I was just wondering if these shakes will be a good thing to…
I need advice!
Hey all! I am at the beginning of my weight loss journey. I have went to the gym before and LOVED it. I enjoy working out, i just need advice on a good exercise plan. I am 19 and weigh 260lbs. The few times i have been to the gym i usually go on the treadmill, bike, and rower, then some laps in the pool. I want to start…
Being fat vs. having excess skin? Help!
Hi all! I'm new to this site so i'm not too sure if i am writing this in the right spot so bare with me! I am 19 years old and my whole life i have been overweight. I don't really mind how I look, (other than my dreaded muffin top :( ) but i really want to be healthy! 2 years ago i decided that after 6 years of smoking i…