sweet :)
You look amazing! Your story sounds so much like mine. I'm just starting my journey. I hope that one day I can post a similar success story and inspire others the way you just inspired me!! xxo
Awesome arms!
Thank you everyone! I'm on day 4 and I'm already starting to feel a little better!! :)
haha! mmmmm chocolate!
I'll give it a try thanks! :smile:
Thank you. I am only cutting out soda right now. I'm still drinking my XL coffee every morning! :tongue: Trying to take things a bit slow so I don't overwhelm myself.
What is IF?
Thank you everyone! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one this happens to!
Thank you. I just wasn't understanding what she meant.
I am describing hunger. If I eat breakfast in the morning, my tummy is rumbling and sore by lunch time. where as if I do not eat breakfast, I don't start feeling those pains until dinner time... even if I skip lunch. So what I'm saying is I can go pretty much all day without feeling hungry if I do not eat breakfast.
Thank you everyone :)
thank you everyone!!! :) i'll deffinatly try your suggestions! You're all awesome :)
Please add me. I can't click your profile ):
Yes! It was the 5th harry potter movie! Have you ever built a snow fort? :)
I'm having the same issue! When i click on someones name it wont take me to the profile so i can't add ):
Please add me. My phone wont allow me to send you a request.
Please add me. My phone wont allow me to send you a request.
My phone is acting up and not letting me add anyone, i can accept requests though if you would like to add me
Thank you everyone :) feel free to add me :)
Thank you :) I'm going Tomorrow before work even if it kills me !
Thank you :)
Thank you for the tips! :) And yes i started smoking VERY young age :( it's a regret but i am proud of quitting.
Thank you all. I know it sound ridiculous! I am going to lose weight. I know i can do it. You're all right! A little extra skin is better than death.
Thank you for your replies guys! I hear from a lot of people that younger skin is elastic. But i think of it as a stretched shirt that never goes back to normal lol. Its scary. I'm scared that because i've always been overweight that my skin is too used to form to a slimmer body properly