Lifters Lingo
Would like to learn the lingo. I read a lot of Blogs, and see a lot of abbreviations for things. (PRM'S etc.) can someone tell me them or send them to my page, so I can read an article without thinking WTF????
Warm up reps
Question... How many warm up sets/reps of each excercise do I need to do before I do my 5x5 for the day? I don't want to burn myself out on the warm ups.
excercise machine
Can anybody tell me if the new "BOWFLEX" Treadclimer is worth the money, or just another machine?
new to this site
Hello All; I was introduced to this site a few days ago. I'm 50 lbs. over weight, and need some moral support to keep me motivated to keep up with weight loss program this time.