I've been drinking a cup or two of this everyday and I love it so I thought I'd share! In 2 quarts of water, peel and cut 1 cucumber(thinly sliced), 1 lemon(thinly sliced), 10-12 mint leaves, and some grated ginger. It tastes great! I drink plain water all day anyway but this is a nice flavorful change :)
No matter what the exercise, I've often heard and seen that people take a rest day where they don't exercise. Is this really an important part of weight loss or is it ok to workout everyday? I've been using an exercise bike(about 30-40mins a day) and have gotten some great results thus far, which makes me want to continue…
I've dropped a total of 8lbs so far just by eating a recommended amount of calories each day, so I thought when I added exercise it would help me lose more. I recently bought an elliptical which doubles as an exercise bike. I've been using it as a bike the past two days and have seen my weight go up...only by very little…