Wow! I just switched one of my nutrients that I track from fiber to sugar, because I'm a diabetic. Now I see I've been taking in way too much sugar. No wonder my nutritionist told me to have just a half banana, not a whole one. With 30 gms of sugar allowed, and 14 grams in just one banana, there isn't much room left for…
Still have the headache that's been plaguing me. Have been having them more frequently. I had gone for quite a few years without them, but now they are back. Hormones? A cold coming on? Tension? I don't know. I'm also getting Tinitus, a constant ringing or humming in my ears (inside my head, but seeming in my ears) that's…
:smile: This is it, folks. I've had it with my excuses and avoidances. Time to face the facts: I eat too much of the wrong foods and don't move around enough. Now is the time to take back control of my life and my body in positive, healthy ways. I welcome anyone who would like to share the journey with me. I will try to be…