Hello, have any of you tried these drops? If so what is your opinion of them. I have been researching them and wondering if I could use them at first then come off and stick to counting calories only. However, I would like to hear some personal reviews before considering.
hello, could you recommend any workout program or game that my kids may enjoy and that i may be able to use as a workout tool as well. i am having difficulty finding a time to work out. Help!!!
please offer some suggestions for working out. i have three kids under the age of 6 who keeps me busy and i don't have free time to go to the gym unless it is in before they wake or after bedtime!
My daily sugar intake is set at 24 g. What am I to do? I ate a yellow apple today and it was 16g of sugar (and I thought i was eating healthy). Is only eating 24g possible? if so please give me some suggestions. Thanks Bunches!
It has taken me 2 hours to eat Quaker Oat plain oatmeal (i added 2 packs of splenda). Please suggest some ideas to help with the flavor.
Good Morning, I am new to fitnesspal. At this present moment I am at my highest weight ever and it has taken a toll on me. I am a Christian and very motivated in all endeavors in life including becoming healthy. However, due to limited time to work out I feel very self conscious of my weight and its on my mind all the…