hi people:) i was reading through some nutritional advice just now and came across an article on calcium in regards to weight loss, i thought id share it incase it helps any of you shift those last stubborn pounds:) You’re trying to lose weight You need calcium. “I just can’t seem to lose those last few kilos” is a…
can anyone help me? i do a body pump class that is designed by les mills which is found in gyms internationally. description: a rapid fat-burning class that uses barbells to give you the fastest way to tone and condition muscles. when i typed in strength training in the database and put in my time and weight etc the…
hi everyone, well this is round 3 of my health and fitness goals this year and i just dont know what is holding my back from achieveing the amazing results i know i am capable of! so here i am back using my fitness pal consitantly and have joined a charity based event called droptober to help keep me accountable. i always…
Well i dont know about you but i have a massive sweet tooth and when it comes to having a bad day with my eating habits there is usually chocolates or desserts involved so .............. imagine my delight when i came across a fantastic article in april's issue of australian womens health on substitutes that can be used…
hey everyone! well it is day 3 on this site and i am loving it, its so modern! i used to use another site that was australian based but found it boring, this site is so much more motivational, i am especially loving the progress reports when ive filled in my day. Today was my worst yet ive been brutally reminded how bad…