:happy: :happy: Hi Im just wondering if there is anyone out there from the U.K. ???
:laugh: Well here Iam again , IN the six months away I have put on Over a stone in weight!!!! I really cant go on like this so after trying the cambridge diet where i thought i was goin to die:cry: I am back to the only thing that works healthy eating and exercise!!! I AM going to do this:happy: :happy: :happy:
I really dont feel very positve today :( I think its because I have to stay in so Im not able to go to th gym or go for a walk.Im trying to keep busy and im wondering if i can actually burn of calories by doing housework??:frown:
Hi Im 41years old and i live in north wales uk. Im sure my middle name should be diet as i have been on so many! I m hopping that this time will be different. I know i sound desperate but is ther anybody out there that i can add to my friends list as it would make a change to have a bit of support instead of "dieting…
hi ive started today and so far so good. I joined a slimming club back in march2010 and managed to lose 35lbs but i then had a total hysterectomy in july and put back on 15lb im hopping everything is settled now so i need to lose at least 42lb :laugh: fingers crossed