How fast a swim is vigorous
Please can someone help me, I have tried to research but not got anywhere must be looking in the wrong place... I weigh 156.8 lb and am 5 ft 5 , I have just swam 1250 metres in 45 mins without stopping, does this class as moderate / light effort or vigorous effort . I don't feel I could actually swim any faster and yes I…
Are the weights for basmatti rice cooked or uncooked?
:huh: Please can anyone tell me if the weights in the food database for basmatti rice are the cooked weight or uncooked. I'm after the uncooked weight. Thanks Sonia
Does work really count as exercise
:smile: I'm a chef can I really put in 7 hrs work as my exercise? It's telling me I have used over 1000 calories that seems to good to be true !
Hi i have just started
I am shocked to find that by putting in my work hours today of 7hrs cooking and food preparation into my exercise that I have burnt up over 1000 calories. Is that right or should I not count this?