Do 20 crunches (or modify w/ a plank for 30 seconds) then post when you're done.
Let's do 25 leg squats (no weights). Make them slow, low and deep then post when you're done.
Do at least 10 pushups today then post when you're done. Make them regular pushups (not modified, i.e. on your knees). Break it up into smaller sets (2 x 5) if you have to then post when you're done. If you're feeling like a real motivator, then do as many as you can throughout the day and post your final number tonight!
Get at least 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise and post what you did
I am 2 weeks postpartum today and have urinary incontinence. From what I've read, this seems to be a fairly common condition. I was wondering if anyone else is willing to share their experience with this issue. Specifically, how long did it take to resolve?
I'm 40 years old and about to have my second child (there is a 17 year old gap between #1 and #2). My husband and I would really like to have one more, but realize we would need to have a "rapid uterine turnaround" (DH's silly quote) considering my age. Can you please share your experiences - both good and bad - with…
I'm 29 weeks pregnant right now and constantly "feel" weak. When I walk up the stairs, I feel out of breath. When I go out for a run I have to stop after awhile; I have to fight round ligament pain. After I lift weights, my back aches and/or get sciatica. I eat something and my "heart burns." I changed my profile pic to…