1. Is it best to work out first or eat breakfast first in the am? 2. Is it Ok to drink a whey protein shake on days you Dont work out? 3. When is it beat to drink a protein shake? In the am...before a work out... After a work out?
So my daily sugar goal is between 24-33 grams a day.... I am having a hard time getting below 35-40 a day... I would say 90% of my sugar is from fruits and veg is... So its not added sugar, but is this still bad... I've been told it will spike insulion levels and make it harder to loose weight... Help?!
My goal cal is 1200. Should my net and goal be around the same? I have been told to eat back my cals that I work out... Which means if I work off 300 cals I eat another 300 cals? Then my net is 1200 ? So my net and my goal should ultimately try to be around d the same number.... Am I understanding this correctly? Second…
I am having a hard time making sense of something that is probably so simple... My daily calorie goal is 1200... I am trying to loose weight. So when I am working out, calories that I have lost ... Am I supposed to now eat that many more calories per day? And what is net calories? That I Dont understand. If I want to loose…