Jari Love's Ripped 1000
Does anyone know how many calories Jari Love's Ripped 1000 DVD burns, If you do, how would you enter it in your exercise area as it is cardio and weight training? According to the DVD, you will burn 1000 calories, but I seriously doubt that; if it did, how many calories would you have to eat for a 1200 caloric intake? I am…
Hi everyone. My name is Daisy and I am trying to get in shape. I will be asking many questions and am looking forward to your help.
Eating after exercising
I am on a 1200 caloric intake per day. Due to my exercising, I can eat 1650 calories. After exercising, I am below caloric intake. What can I eat to keep me at 1200. Example: I eat 1650 calories per day. After I exercise, it drops to 1009. I would appreciate any help with this situation.:sad:
Weight Loss Time
Is three months of eating within caloric limits and exercising 6 days per week a reasonable goal to lose 20 pounds?
I have been doing 40 minutes of cardio for the last 2 1/2 weeks. I burn 457 calories per day, six days a week. I am having trouble getting my strength training in because I am exhausted after these workouts. Let me know what you think about this possibility - cardio 3 x per week and strength training 3 x per week. Think I…
Ticker not moving
I lost 1 1/2 pounds, but my ticker is still at 0 pounds lost. Should it not show my one pound lost? I had to burn 3,500 calories to lose that pound and I would like to see it. Comments please
Introduce yourself
Hi. I am a new comer, not to mention confused by all this. I put in my information and myfitnesspal.com provided suggested protocol. I was put on a 1200/day calorie intake. My problem - I eat 1200-1300 calories per day. I work out 40 mins 5 days a week and add strength training 4 times per week for 30 mins. I am burning…
Introducing Myself
I have questions about the calorie intake that this site has proposed. They put me on a 1200/day calorie intake. Once I exercise, I burn 457 calories. Shouldn't I be eating more. PLEASE HELP!:sad: