OK so I did something to my back and now I can bareley walk. I really think it is stress but I havent' been able to work out at all for the last couple of days and I am feeling it. Any suggestions? I am getting a massage tonight so I hope that helps.
:sad: I haven't been able to get motivated to work out at all. By the time I get home from work I am exhausted. I was getting really good at walking the dogs and then doing my Xbox Fitness DVD. Loved it too, but this past week I just can't seem to get into it at all. Any suggestions?
I got some fitness games for the XBOX and I love them. The first one I tried is the fitness one and I got a Zumba one too. I love both of them and they work at your pace. I started slow and now do them everynight. There is a warm up section that last for 2 minuets each work out and that ie just eough to get your heart up.…