I topped out at 200 pounds that was just a terrible feeling gross really ....Weight Watchers worked but I couldn't stick to it. I had an off and on relationship with WW for several years it wasn't until 8/2014 that things changed I had lost some weight and had been working out I thought I was in shape did some 5ks a couple…
People always ask me how I stay motivated two words Spartan Racing ...August 2014 I thought I was in decent shape I did this race and it took me 3 1/2 hours and it kicked my a&* and when I finally crossed that finish line I said never again something has got to change I signed up immediately for another one , which is…
200lbs and a very fat picture of myself about 7 years ago started me on a journey of ups and downs ....Weight Watchers, Slim fast,Weight Watchers it all would work for a while and then the wheels would just come off the bus. Failure was always unavoidable it seemed and nothing worked .I would also go through months of…