Figured it out

edack72 Posts: 173 Member
200lbs and a very fat picture of myself about 7 years ago started me on a journey of ups and downs ....Weight Watchers, Slim fast,Weight Watchers it all would work for a while and then the wheels would just come off the bus. Failure was always unavoidable it seemed and nothing worked .I would also go through months of staying on track with exercise to months of not doing anything but ordering fast food, drinking and sitting on my *kitten* in front of the TV lazy, tired and expanding. Joined a gym things were going great realized exactly how out of shape I was , did a 5k struggled to walk it, did my first OCRs in 2012 and 2013 Run for Your Lives , Apocolypse Run and the Warrior Dash, some 5ks which I still struggled to complete just walking. 2014 was the year that changed everything for me it was a terrible year drinking was out of control , crashed my car lost my license and did my first Spartan Race 8/10/2014 and wow life changing ..they say you will know at the finish line and boy they are right ...I realized at that moment that I had to change my life and I started working out on my own got a gym membership again and worked on running I still wasn't satisfied ...I got my license back and decided it was time to really do something and through social media I found a health coach and I am seeing incredible results he has me on a clean eating regimen, and an exercise schedule that is kick *kitten* I started with him on 12/22/14 and have lost 17.2 pounds my point is I guess is that there isn't any magic pills, shakes just like when a smoker quits you have to want to change ...I woke up one day and just said enough i CAN NOT LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE and made a change I have also been alcohol free since Jan 8th I have never felt better . Its not a diet its a lifestyle and one I am really starting to love.....I feel better at 43 than I did at 23 , your body is a machine and needs fuel and needs to be in motion no excuses ..there aren't too many medical conditions out there that can't be helped or even cured by losing weight and regular exercise Good Luck People and keep moving!!!!


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