How many people drive themselves crazy with watching sodium
OK so I am always below on my calorie count and tend to keep my carbs and sugar at a decent level..however The sodium thing kills me! I do drink between 64 and 128 oz of water daily so if I am doing that do I really need to worry about the sodium? HELP!!!
bad day
Today is my day off from the treadmill so there is no getting calories back! I just want to eat! And I dont mean salad..I just had a huge fruit salad but i want a day off from all this! Sorry just had to vent!
ok so I am teetering at 141.90 to 142.6 cant seem to get below that mark. I am training with couch to 10k for a marathon so I know that the muscles I am gaining is probably a big factor. So..I am going to ditch the scale. I have a pair of jean capris that I LOVE and cant wear at the moment cuz they are too tight in the…
other than the treadmill
I want to take a day off from the treadmill to give my sore legs a break. What other excersices can I do to burn calories! I wish laundry counted! HA
Up'd my calories
I had to do it! I started out at 1200 calories,then went to 1400. Working out daily and burning 300 calories and eating that back I was still starving at the end of the day! Is it terribly horrible to up them to 1650? I am 5'7" and currently weight 141. I am trying to get to 128 then slowly work back to a final weight of…
too much excercise?
I have a daily calorie count of 1400. I treadmill in the morning to my couch to 5k program and burn about 290 calories then at the end of the day I do another treadmill session and burn another 240 calories. I have done that for 2 days in a row now and still have had about 300 calories left at the end of each day! Been…
WOW!! Who would have thought?
Earlier today I posted a personal vent to the fact that I thought i did an excellent job yesterday with the treadmill and food intake..however I woke up to a gain of 1.5 pounds and was very hard on myself as I was hoping to hit a new milestone today! Looking back on what I ate yesterday Even though my sodium was on the…
A step back
just need to vent! Was doing so go this week, even got back on the treadmill in the morning dispite the sinus infection and again last night to start the couch to 5k program. So expected to be from 140.4 to 139.? today but went in the wrong direction with a weigh in of 141.9...not a happy girl!