There are many paths one can take on their way to fitness. As I said in my weigh-in post, I have actually increased my calories from my original goal and incorporated heavy lifting into my workout program. I usually lift Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do cardio for whatever 3 days works best with my schedule and have 1…
Like low low abdominal pain. Like really bad cramps, but you're not on your period. Does this happen to anyone else? During my first gyno appointment back in August I mentioned that I get this pain when I run when I reach about the mile mark. Her response was maybe my uterus was too large and was... I don't remember her…
I just signed up for the MCM 10K. I'm super excited, but with 6 months to train I'm a little nervous. My mom is doing the full marathon and she wanted me to come with her. She mentioned that there's a 10K which piqued my interest. Right now I'm completing a mile at around 16 minutes. What training advice can you give me?…
I bought boxes of Birds Eye spinach to use in my smoothies but um... how do you separate the frozen spinach? Do I have to thaw and use within a certain amount of time? Thanks. :o