As i was surfing , I stumbled upon many articles that says if I eat less than 1200 calories it may affect my health , because mostly since I joined mfp I only get 700 sometimes up to 1200 calories and I'm losing weight real fast as I lost 17 pounds in barely a month . It's not a long term weight loss diet I'm in , because…
Hello everyone on MFP , I have been a member for about 5 months and I managed to lose 27 kilograms(59 lbs) mainly by dieting and running for about an hour three times a week .I am actually 5ft9in and I'm weighting about 167 pounds and my bmi is finally normal( 24.7). I am pleased about the changes I made to my body , I…
Well , they look very awful and they just showed Up this week , I have them on my abdomen and Under my arms . Well now the harm is done but I want to know if there is any kind of exercise that would reduce that ,and if they are going to get worse as I am losing more weight
Hello everyone , I am a 23 years old guy from morocco . I have been on MFP for a week , and i found the app very nice and simple and the community is even cooler . I feel finally better about myself as I started for the first time to register all the food and exercice I need , I still haven't weighted my self yet since I…