Has anyone undergone a water fast while working? I work in a flower shop, and although it doesn't sound very physical, we stand for 8 hours a day and my boss is very pushy and always wants everyone to move at the quickest pace possible. If we're going too slow, she spazzes. Will this be too much?
I bought an ab wheel to tone my stomach/arms. Has anyone had any success with these? I also jog for about 45-60 minutes a few times a week. Should I interpret more muscle exercises to get success or..??? Thank you!
I used to be a healthy eater. I can't remember ever really craving junk food much or choosing junk food over veggies and fruits. For the past few months though I've completely fallen off the healthy wagon. I eat anything I want (typically chocolate, cookies, ice cream) and I typically overeat on it too. I've gotten…