Question about walking
I've been walking this summer and now a five mile walk is my daily average at a 17 min./mi. average I want to do a 10 mile walk on Sunday for a cause. Today I walked 7. What I'm wondering is should I walk tomorrow, or rest? My shoes fit well, I have an old taped blister with no discomfort. I do have some glute stiffness…
Hello from Tony, WI
I'm new to MFP. I'd love to hear from others in WI and hear how you're doing.
Catagorizing Exercize Correctly
Hi! I am pretty new at this and I'm not sure what category my exercises are falling under. (I'm old school lol). I'm up to a half hour of exercises that bring my heart beat from about 57 to about 80. I'm doing : Arm Rotations 10 each way varying circle size Squats - 10 Knee Forward Marching - 20 Waist twists with hands on…