Catagorizing Exercize Correctly

Hi! I am pretty new at this and I'm not sure what category my exercises are falling under. (I'm old school lol). I'm up to a half hour of exercises that bring my heart beat from about 57 to about 80. I'm doing :
Arm Rotations 10 each way varying circle size
Squats - 10
Knee Forward Marching - 20
Waist twists with hands on waist- 20
Side lunges-20
Opposite ankle touches with both arms.-20
Arm punches with butt kick- 20
Chest rotation elbows out and hands pressing-20
Low impact jumping jacks-20
Leg rotations like the arms only sitting in chair-20
Floor to sky jumps- 20
Side stretches- 20

Then I repeat for 30 min. They're basically high school gym exercises but I don't know what to put them under to get the proper calorie burn count. Also any suggestions on what I'm doing; adequate or is there a better routine? I take a med. that causes slow heart rate.