When I came back to Fitness Pal three weeks ago, I had not used it for three years. I was very pleased to learn that I'd lost 22 pounds since I'd been on it before. In three weeks, I've lost around eight pounds, most of that was the first week. I really appreciate the macros, and am determined to stay it with this time. I…
I started using this website a week ago to track my food intake and exercise. I have been rigorous about entering what I eat every day and how much exercise I get. It is encouraging me to get some exercise every day, and I have started a tai chi class. I am making huge changes in how I eat, and just counting calories is…
Hi, my son and his wife introduced me to this website and showed me how to use it after my doctor told me that I must lose a lot of weight or perhaps suffer a stroke. He said very adamantly, No SALT! So I am finding ways to have a low sodium diet. I found a book at the library, Laurel Kitchen's Bread Book which has a…