Ariel Ky in Portland, Oregon - self introduction

Hi, my son and his wife introduced me to this website and showed me how to use it after my doctor told me that I must lose a lot of weight or perhaps suffer a stroke. He said very adamantly, No SALT! So I am finding ways to have a low sodium diet. I found a book at the library, Laurel Kitchen's Bread Book which has a chapter on baking bread without salt.

Yesterday I started making my own vegetable broth with left-over vegetables. I used it to make potato leek soup, but it wasn't very tasty. Today I decided to add 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt and added more pepper. What a difference that made! It was absolutely delicious.

My son and his wife run five miles every day. I am slow walking for at least 60 minutes every day, and trying to build up some vigor to walk faster. I love getting out to the beautiful parks near us, Overlook Park and the Rose Garden near PCC. It would be nice to find a walk buddy.

I have already lost four pounds. It's been decades since I counted calories and made a serious effort to lose weight, which is probably why I'm so fat now. This site makes it easy and fun, though, and my son is urging me to get scientific in my approach to achieving better health. I really appreciate all the support. This is not at all easy for me.


  • Chunky_As_Charged
    Welcome to MFP! A great way to stick with it is adding friends for support on here. I sent you a friend request, if you want it. :)

    Plain Greek yogurt is a great substitute for fattier things like mayo and sour cream! There are also tons of recipes online for ways to make it taste better.

    Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Another tip to make food tasty without adding salt is to add some chopped up celery. It gives the savory flavor (not as strongly). Celery does have a higher sodium content than a lot of veggies, but I figure that it's coming from a very natural source, and a plant source at that, and is still healthier than salting my soups.

    Welcome, and congrats on starting your way to a healthier life :smile:
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    A sixty minute walk even at a slow pace is amazing. Good luck to you. MFP can be a great help to you. I have lost 18 pounds since Jan 1 and 45 minutes is the longest I ever walk. That and using hand weights at night while watching TV are my only exercise.