I work out 3x a week have lost 20 pounds last year, and have a good diet. BUT everytime i want to eat an apple or something that is healthy at night or during the day for a snack i over analyze it and think it will push me over my calories, carbs etc. any suggestions?
Hey everyone welcome to Supporting Each other One Pound At A Time I'm Cody and I'm on the weight loss journey of losing 25 lbs. where are you guys from and tell us your stories why your here we all are here for some reason and with everyone's help we will get there "One Pound At A Time"
I've been gaining a little weight everyday even though i don't eat that much and i work out 6 times a week and each work out i lose at least 1000 calories i dont know what to do or what is happening
Everyone has that moment when you are either dieting or just want to eat healthier and then you see that one piece of food that you know will ruin or damage all of your progress you've done, and we all know what they say "go on take a bite, it wont hurt you" what do you do? Do you either eat it or do you say NO. Last night…