iphone app question
So, I'm new to the whole smart phone business, and today I'm going on my first long distance run without pushing a stroller. I just started using this app called imapmyrun, and love the thing. Anyways, other times I was able to just stick it in the strollers cup holder. Today, its going to have to be in a pocket. The…
Got some goals...got some questions
So, in the last two months I kinda 'fell off the weight loss wagon'. 4 months ago, I started eating paleo. I felt awesome. I had no blood sugar issues (and i'm hypoglycemic so this was awesome). I had been counting calories for over a year and felt I had my calorie intake pretty consistent so I stopped logging. Problem…
curbing appetite
So...as the subject says, I'm looking for something that will REALLY work to help with curbing appetite. Why? Because it seems the closer I get to my goal the more I talk myself into 'cheating' being ok. Yet, this last week I was sick with a sinus infection...and had no appetite. That of course made it very easy to eat my…
what is wrong with me...
Yea...so...not doing so well...like...at all. I keep finding excuses, and I hate excuses. Excuses are BS. What I can't find is my motivation. Even the seriously disappointing number on the scale i just saw didn't give me all the motivation I thought it would. So I've lost 105 pounds right? Well..10 came back. In about 2…
Hey all I'm looking for your thoughts. I'm wondering if getting insanity is worth the money, given that I already have a gym membership. I was just sitting here watching the infomercial for the last half hour, and I know how infomercials suck you in and a lot make promises that are not true. I used to be able to make it to…
first 5k!
Yay! I just completed my first 5K this morning! And, because I'm a genius, I picked one with hills and part trail. My only goals going into it were to a) not be last b) get under 35 minutes and c) no walking. I ended up getting 97th out of about 300 people, and a time of 30:29...which is awesome, because my best time so…
um...yes you can! *vent of sorts*
April of 2010, I was 256 pounds, and I know exactly how I got that way. I had been back and forth between 180 and 200 for years, and ate whatever I wanted to. I didn't even see it was a food addiction until my most recent weight loss journey. I had tried dieting before, or joining a gym but only going for 3 weeks, and…
"holding it in" any help ladies?
Anyone in here lost a lot of weight so far? This may be WAY TMI...but, I'm looking for some ideas of good products/things to do to combat extra skin. I know theres no way to really get rid of it unless I get a tummy tuck (which, I'm seriously considering for when I get closer to my goal weight). Right now, I'm in a size…
Theres a lot I don't know
A lot. I'm making this post in hoping maybe some general consensus will happen but that probably will not be the case. I'll start with the little I do know. In order to loose weight, you need to exercise, and eat right. Refined sugars are bad for you. Fast food, in general, has a lot of calories. Honestly, at this point,…
veggie help?
So, I have a bad habit of just eating frozen dinners. Quick and easy and I know how many calories are in them. I'm not a bad cook, I just hardly know any recipies, and end up cooking the same things over and over again. That said, there is something about my diet I want to switch around a bit. I want to take out some carbs…
another plateau post
Yea...sorry guys...I'm posting yet another one of these, and I'm new to posting in here, so hi:) Heres the deal, I need to be told what I should do, and I'll give you the information that I can. I have been having a hard time losing weight as fast as I have wanted to. While 80 pounds in a little over 10 months sounds…