first 5k!

Yay! I just completed my first 5K this morning! And, because I'm a genius, I picked one with hills and part trail. My only goals going into it were to a) not be last b) get under 35 minutes and c) no walking. I ended up getting 97th out of about 300 people, and a time of 30:29...which is awesome, because my best time so far had been almost exactly 35 min on a treadmill on tuesday....and I didn't walk! I think this could start getting addicting, and I'm already signing up for another one, and this time plan to be under 30 minutes:) hehehe


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Congratulations! Keep going!!
    My first is next Saturday, I'm getting nervous...
  • eversits
    eversits Posts: 177 Member
    Yeah!!! Congrats!!! It is so addictive!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    That's awesome. I am addicted to 5Ks. Many years ago I did one in 16:57. Lately I am about 31 minutes. So you rock! Congratulations!
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    Wow! Congrats!!
  • Congrats that is super AWESOME!!! So happy for you!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    It really is fun, I did one this morning and my first in months. So much fun.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Congrats, that is great.
  • thank you guys! i did the whole couch to 5k thing to get up to this point...but do you all have any tips maybe now about how to increase speed?
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    well done! 30mins is not bad timing at all. my best is now 27:20. i completed c25k a few weeks ago and been gradually building speed in between. what works for me is sprinting every so often for about 5-10 seconds and then slowing down to a run, ive also started running for longer so a nice slow long run- i can manage 10k doing that and hence build my endurance. i found that these helped to improve my speed.

    im sure there are various other ways to get your speed in check which more experienced runners will tell you.