How accurate is XBOX when it comes to calories burned? It seems to only be 13 calories per song, however some of the songs are a few minutes long... seems like/feels like more calories have been burned.
I just purchased the Biggest Loser Kinect and tried it today. Has anyone else tried it? How do you like it? I am curious how accurate the calories burned are... I just did the fitness test... I was very out of breath/sweating by the end of it and it says I only burned 76 calories:(, I guess I am more out of shape than…
I am looking for a daily calorie/pedometer/fitness tool. I don't want to spend the money on Bodybug or some of the other types. I have been reading about Fitbit, and curious if anyone has used one and their thoughts on it.
A friend referred me to this site. Seems very helpful!! Hope to have much success with it. :)