I recently had a breast augmentation, which not only added 4 lbs to my body, but has also rendered me unable to workout like I normally do. Basically been sticking to cardio only. Do any ladies on here have a BA or have gotten one on there weight loss journey that could shoot me some tips for loosing that weight gained by…
31 out of Seattle, wanting to lose 10-20 lbs and tone up, but will be happy with a solid 10... I'm looking for folks who have the same weight goals as me... or have already reached their goals and want to contribute to my madness.... shoot me a friend request if you're in for that!
I'm always looking for snacks/meals to bring and eat while I'm on the run. I work 2 sometimes 3 different jobs, so finding time to cook & eat has been one of my bigger struggles. I've also encountered the problem of getting burnt out on the snacks I used to love or having to put a few of them away because of the carbs.…