I feel like as we age theres a mixed reactions to birthdays some people throw,a big party others dont even mention it . What do you do for yours? I just go out with a few friends, and dont tell everyone its my bday but i have a friend who made a facebook event for her 24th birthday in october back in may.
favorite: feeling the baby move, seeing ultrasound, being treated extra nice by everyone worst: heartburn, feeling sick, feeling like a planet What are yours?
When I was 18 I went on a date to a theme park Where we both had passes. The guy told me he loved roller coasters and I do too. He threw up all over himself and his leather coat at the end of the ride. Ewwwww. Anyone else have one?
Is there such a thing as too fat to wear shorts? Every summer I find myself in the dressing room trying on shorts and scrutinizing my legs and butt from 12 brightly illuminated angles wondering am I too fat for shorts? Will people be staring at me? I always end up with capris :(
Anyone have gross stories from eating in or working at a restaurant? I have seen things picked up off the floor and served many times If a special prep like no bacon was missed it is picked off by hand and covered with more cheese usually People eat fries, clam strips, etc off plates to be served Floors in kitchen are…
I'm sure I am not the only one in the process of moving. What's the best and worst parts for you? My least favorite is packing but I like going through things and getting rid of stuff that would otherwise sit in drawers. When I get to the new house I like un packing and finding a place for everything.